Leadership / Staff / Volunteers

Mohamed Anwar
Founder, President & Executive Director
Anwar brings decades of experience as a career Rohingya and Burmese language interpreter where he worked in Burma, Bangladesh, and Malaysia. Since 2015, he has served refugees in Milwaukee through BRCW. Anwar’s experience includes work performed for United Nations and US Department of Homeland Security. He is the first certified medical interpreter for the Rohingya language and assisted the large influx of Burmese refugees navigating the healthcare system, and providing cultural orientation. Anwar is a community organizer and competent Rohingya leader able to navigate burmese ethics, laws, and norms as well as those of the US. His skills, insight, and experience are intrinsically valuable in the Burmese/Rohingya service agenda.

Andrew Lyman Trumbull
Founder and Administrative Director
Andrew complements BRCW activities by developing its programs, and as the only non-Burmese leader, Andrew has a deeper understanding of US laws/norms and serves to check and balance ideas and plans ensuring compliance within both respective communities. Andrew designed the corporate structure of BRCW, leading efforts in education, health programming, academic research, calls for service response/case management, advocating for, and writing and public speaking on the US Rohingya service agenda.

Karim Mohammad Shafie
Operations Manager at BRCW / Masjid Al-Taqwa
Karim oversees the day-day operations at BRCW REC Center / Masjid Al-Taqwa keeping our building productive and organized, safe & secure, supervising staff, and ensuring the community center remains an excellent gathering space where our community can find the resources they need.

Irfan Kamal
Admin & Interpreter at BRCW
Irfan Kamal is a resettled Rohingya refugee that fled Burma when he was 13 years old after being denied opportunities and facing violence. Arriving in Milwaukee when he was 18 years old, Irfan has worked hard learning the English language, entering the workforce, and since 2016, has contributed to BRCW programs and operations. He serves as a cultural broker, interpreter, and administrative assistant while he improves his literacy, technical skills, and technical experience. Having spent 9 years shadowing our leadership, Irfan is becoming a competent service professional, and is relied upon more and more.

Hafiz Muhammudul Hasan
Imam at BRCW / Masjid Al-Taqwa
Hafiz is our Imam and looks after our congregational affairs including leading 5-times daily prayer and youth education programs. As religous services make up a majority of our activities at BRCW / Masjid Al-Taqwa, currently, Hafiz Muhammudul is our only regularly paid staff member.